Friday, July 19, 2013

The Life Cycle of a Meme (The death of a bad joke)

For those of you who do not know what a meme is, it is a trend on the internet that gets repeated by everyone until it no longer makes any sense.  It usually involves a funny picture or movie quote and is then manipulated into several variations of that joke until it is no longer relevant.  These are popular by teenagers and college kids.

I will be showing you the life cycle of a meme.

1.  A meme is born

It is kind of witty, a bit silly and loaded with cheesy goodness.  It is worth a chuckle.

2. The meme gets added to current events

You can appreciate that people are using the joke in new ways, but it has run its course.  So you think...

3.  Now the meme needs to be added to other memes

By now you are sick of the meme and it should respectfully bow out due to overuse.

4)  Comedians try to add a fresh coat of paint on the meme

Pretty lame, but that is human nature.  Now this is where the internet takes obsession to a whole new level.

5) The those mentally challenged kids try to draw their French version in PaintMS

Now you are discovering what it feels to hate again!

6).  Hipsters try to make a meme about the meme to make it look uncool

Wait, weren't those the kids who bragged about liking it first?

7)  It becomes so popular that TV gets in on it.

It should have been dead ages ago, but there is one more level of Hell for this joke to pass through.

8)  Someone has to correct this joke

And it is official!  The dead horse has been beaten into a fine powder.  You can actually put the dead horse's remains into a cigar and smoke them.

So really a meme is where a joke goes to die.  It is kind of a joke hospice.

Where Unoriginality meets Laziness

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Hobbit 2 (Failed sequel names)

Hobbit 2: The Revenge
Hobbit Harder
Hobbit II: The Sorcerers Scone
Hobbits On A Plain
Hobbit Legacy
Hobbit Forever
Hobbit Begins 2
Hobbit Rises
Live Elf Die Orc
3 Hours of Walking 2
Hobbit: We Might Show The Dragon Again
Hobbit Reloaded
Hobbits Take Manhattan
Hobbits in Space
Hobbits: Darkside of the MiddleEarth
Hobbit 2: Enter Legolas
Chronicles of Hobbit: The Dragon, The Lich and The Blue Sword
Hobbit Episode 2: The Faramir Menace
Hobbit 2: OMG Edition
Calvin and Hobbits
Hobbit 2.3D.HD.4K
Hobbit: The Expected Journey
Hobbit 2: One Does Not Walk Into Mordor Edition
How Peter Jackson Retired 2
Too Orc Too Hobbit
Hairy Dwarfers: Hobblet of Fire
Revenge of the Nerds 3
Hobbit 2: Desolation of Smog (An Inconvenient Truth)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

To Do List of the Rich and Famous

Gangster Rapper:
9am: Wake up
9:15 am: Practice getting shot in the mirror
11:00 am: Find words that rhyme with playa, swag and foshizzle
2:00 pm: Ask Jay-Z out to dinner, make fun of Jay-Z in a song later
4:00 pm: Study Eminem's music. Mock Eminem in a song later.
6:00 pm: Learn dubstep.
6:15 pm: Learn how to use a computer for dubstep
7:00 pm: Donate money to Save A Dog
8:00 pm: Make song about the tough life in Compton
8:15 pm: Return home to gated community
10:15 pm: Pay legal fees for racist comment.
11:00 pm: Huge party at the yacht club. Get crunk.
12:00 am: Tell wife I was not crunk.

12pm: Wake up early
1:00 pm: Drink coffee to get rid of hangover
2:00 pm: Consider Disney offer to film a kid's show
3:00 pm: Finish all meat dress
3:30 pm: Keep all meat dress away from dogs
5:00 pm: Pose for seductive photographs
6:00 pm: Complain about the public treating you like a child
8:00 pm: Buy new auto tuner machine to reach higher notes
1:00 am: Send Tweet to followers about "staying in school"